
Teacher Man by Frank McCourt
Teacher Man by Frank McCourt

at Trinity College Dublin and his repeated firings due to his propensity to talk back to his superiors ironically lead him to New Yorks most prestigious school Stuyvesant High School where he finally finds a place and a voice.Binding: Audio CDAbridgedAuthor: Frank McCourt McCourts rocky marriage his failed attempt to get a Ph.D. Teacher Man shows McCourt developing his unparalleled ability to tell a great story as he works to gain the attention and respect of unruly hormonally-charged or indifferent adolescents. In bold and spirited prose featuring his irreverent wit and heartbreaking honesty McCourt records the trials triumphs and surprises he faces in public high schools around New York City. McCourts classic audiobook about how his thirty-year teaching career shaped his second act as a writer Teacher Man is also an urgent tribute to teachers everywhere. Then came Tis his glorious account of his early years in New York. By the way, the highest paid a public official in the state of Oklahoma is Oklahoma's football coach who makes more than 2 million a year.Over a decade ago Frank McCourt became an unlikely star when at the age of 66 he burst onto the literary scene with Angelas Ashes the Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir of his childhood in Limerick Ireland. So for me, a teacher, this book was depressing. In Oklahoma recently two industrial factories chose to locate in other states because the people of Oklahoma simply were not intelligent enough to work in a factory. Last year a student asked me whether or not we knew for certain the other planets were actually round (she meant spherical) or were they flat like the Bible says. So when I read this book, I see the same problems all teachers face. Most educated students will vote for an expansion of the football stadium over an increase in teacher salary despite the fact that their employer hired them because of their education. Nearly all students will earn more than the teacher who educated them. They do not allow for their retirement to be secure. The praises of the students warms the hearts and souls of teachers but they do not warm houses.

Teacher Man by Frank McCourt Teacher Man by Frank McCourt

When he retired, he retired to an incredibly small teacher’s pension. Yes, there were students who came back and said "You really influenced me.” Or “You made a big difference in my life." But what didn't happen, and what doesn't happen to nearly every single teacher you have ever had, is a secure ending. He taught there for more than 20 years and earned himself nothing. This book is an account of his time as an English teacher in inner-city New York. This is a review from a teacher: Frank McCourt won a Pulitzer Prize with his book Angela's Ashes (I have not read any of his other works and only read this because someone suggested that teachers should read it.).

Teacher Man by Frank McCourt